A Revolutionary Minute

This original video series from Quincy Historical Society, Quincy400, and Quincy Access Television aims to honor and celebrate the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution, recognizing events both significant and obscure, here in Quincy, Massachusetts, and beyond.

This series was recognized nationally in 2024 with a Hometown Media Award by the Alliance for Community Media in the “Mixed and Transmedia” category.

Episode 1: May 10, 1773 – Parliament Passes the Tea Act

Parliament makes a gamble, and Governor Thomas Hutchinson riles up the hornets’ nest.

Episode 2: June 15, 1773 – The Infamous Hutchinson Letters

Private letters are leaked, and a conspiracy is allegedly uncovered.

Episode 3: July 16, 1773 – Abigail Adams & Mercy Otis Warren

“Like the Timorous Bird”

Episode 4: September 21, 1773 – John Adams & John Wilkes

The Patriots’ cause find some friends in London.

Episode 5: December 5, 1773 – Spilling the Tea of the Tea Act

What’s the big deal about tea anyway?

Episode 6: December 17, 1773 – John Adams & the Boston Tea Party

“The Die is Cast”

Episode 7: March 11, 1774 – Braintree’s Tea Boycott

Braintree responds to the Tea Party.

Episode 8: March 31, 1774 – Parliament Closes Boston Harbor

Parliament punishes Boston for the Tea Party, MP Edmund Burke dissents.

Episode 9: Early May, 1774 – Boston Responds to the Port Act

“The Smallest Spark”